Rydell Cars

More Auto Repair Services We Handle

Other Automotive Repair


Cooling System and Radiator Repair
Your engine generates high temperatures in order to power your vehicle.  The vehicle’s cooling system is in charge of regulating the temperature of your engine, and is an important part of how well your engine functions.  The radiator aides in temperature regulation in your engine, and helps maintain a cool temperature throughout your vehicle.  If your vehicle is experiencing overheating issues, you may have a problem with your radiator and cooling systems.
Bring your car or truck into your Grand Forks service leader, where our technicians will inspect your vehicle and make sure you’re getting the most out of your vehicle.  Make an appointment online, or call us today!


Engine Diagnostic
Check engine light on?  This could mean your oxygen sensor, mass flow sensor, catalytic converter, spark plugs, wiring, or another part of your engine’s system may need to be replaced.  These components work in unison to ensure that your engine system is working correctly, and are important to maintain.  By ignoring the check engine light you may cause further damage to these parts of your vehicle.
Bring it into Rydell today for an engine diagnosis.  Our hassle-free service center will tell you exactly what’s wrong with your vehicle, and have you back on the road in no time. Rydell’s GM certified technicians have the latest technology to repair your vehicle, so you can be sure that you are getting the best care for your car or truck. 


Brake Repair
Are your brakes making a squealing or rubbing sound? Your brakes are made up of several components, each requiring routine maintenance.   Pads, rotors, calipers, drums, hoses and lines are what primarily make up a car or truck’s braking system. If problems with your brakes are ignored, it could lead to further damage within your vehicle.
Our certified GM technicians can take a look and see if it’s time for replacement on any of these parts, and give you clear and honest feedback about what’s happening with your vehicle.  Come into Rydell or make an appointment today with our helpful and knowledgeable service writers.


Belts, Hoses, Fluids
Driving with old or worn belts can be dangerous.  Your serpentine belt is in charge of powering most of you engine’s accessories.  If your belt slips, wears, or breaks it will have negative consequences on your vehicle.  It affects everything from your power steering, to your alternator, to your HVAC system. Making sure your fluids and hoses are topped off and working properly also aides in the performance of these components, which makes them extremely important to a healthy lifespan on your vehicle. Prevent against wear and tear on your engine by checking your belts, hoses and fluids. Our PDQ technicians inspect all aspects of your vehicle so you can feel confident with the performance of your car, truck or SUV.


Air Filter
Prevent dust, pollen, and other harmful debris from entering your vehicle by changing your air filter periodically.  Getting poor gas mileage?  This could be a symptom of an overloaded air filter, and can easily be replaced.  Air filter replacement is one of the many services we offer with our oil change packages.  This is just another way Rydell keeps your vehicle on the road. Call us, or make an appointment online today.


Batteries and Alternators
Weather can be tough on your battery and alternator.  If you have an old or worn battery, your vehicle will have difficulty starting. Your Grand Forks auto experts will test your battery before you hit the road.  We carry top of the line brands, so you can always be confident in the service and product you will receive from Rydell.


Lighting Systems and Headlights
Does your vehicle have a headlight out?  It could be as simple as a burnt out bulb, or there may be an issue with your wiring or lighting system. No matter what the problem is, our knowledgeable technicians can diagnose and fix it.  At Rydell we pride ourselves on quick and reliable service, which is why our customers always leave satisfied.


Transmission Service, Repair and Replacement
Is your vehicle having difficulty shifting into reverse, drive, or making a grinding noise when shifting?  Your transmission may be experiencing issues.  Your transmission needs to be serviced periodically to ensure efficient performance and maximum output.  
We perform flushes, overhauls, complete replacements, and all services in between.  Our master technicians will diagnose the problem with your transmission, and have your vehicle running like new in no time. Our main shop is equipped to repair all makes and models, which means no problems for our customers. Bring your vehicle in today, and experience Rydell’s world class customer care first hand.


Suspension, Struts and Shocks
Is your car or truck not riding as smoothly as it used to? Your suspension is made up of struts, shocks, ball joints, coil springs, sway bar, link kits, and control arms.  If any of these components get worn down or break, it could affect your suspension and how your vehicles performs.  If an issue regarding your vehicle’s suspension is not addressed, it may lead to other problems throughout the lifetime of your car. No need to worry, these issues are usually common and can be fixed by our technicians and service staff at Rydell. Bring you vehicle in today, or make an appointment with our or friendly service members.