Rydell Cars

Engine Diagnostics

Engine Diagnostics

Service Technician running engine diagnostics on vehicle in the shop

Check Engine Light on? A Diagnostics Check Can Tell You What the Problem is.

It could mean your oxygen sensor, mass flow sensor, catalytic converter, spark plugs, wiring, or another part of your engine’s system may need to be replaced. These components work in unison to ensure that your engine system works correctly, and it is important to maintain. By ignoring the check engine light, you may cause further damage to these parts of your vehicle.

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Engine Diagnostics FAQs

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Why Do You Need an Engine Diagnostic Test?

If you have ever had your check engine light come on, then you have probably been told that the first step in finding out what is going on with your vehicle is to have an engine diagnostic test run. You may have then asked yourself why this diagnostic test needed to be completed. The answer is simple, modern vehicles are much more computerized than most people realize. Every time you turn on your car or truck, your vehicle uses software to monitor the different components of your engine and other parts of your vehicle. The information is collected and saved and can later be pulled with a diagnostic test. These diagnostic tests help technicians narrow down what could be going wrong in your vehicle when a warning light on your dashboard comes on.

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When Do You Need an Engine Diagnostic Test?

The most common reason to have an engine diagnostic test done on your vehicle is that your engine light has come on. Because there are so many different components to your vehicle’s engine, the first step for a certified technician to diagnose the cause is to run an engine diagnostic test. An engine diagnostic test can help detect a simple issue with your vehicle’s engine, which can then be fixed before it becomes a larger and more expensive problem.

Some experts recommend having an engine diagnostic test run on your vehicle quarterly or with every oil change. This way you are aware of something that may potentially go wrong, and have it fixed before it becomes an issue.

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Why Do I Have to Pay for a Diagnostic Test?

At Rydell you are not only paying for the scanner to be connected to your vehicle and provide a code, but you are also paying for the technician to physically inspect your vehicle to give you the most in-depth diagnosis possible. Our rate is prorated for you in the event that the entire inspection takes under an hour.

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Can Diagnostic Testing be Used on Other Parts of the Vehicle?

Yes, diagnostic testing is not just used on the engine. Running a diagnostic test on your vehicle will not only share what issues may be happening with the engine, but will also check for problems with your vehicle’s transmission, brakes, exhaust system, wear and tear, or damage to other major components.

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How Long Does an Engine Diagnostic Test Take?

A full engine diagnostic can take anywhere from a half hour, up to a couple of hours depending on the vehicle and its issue. The scanning part of the diagnostic test will typically only take a few minutes. It is important to remember that scanning for a core part of an engine diagnosis is only the start and is meant to help the technician narrow down the location of where the issue may be occurring. The diagnostic scanner does help speed up the entire process though, as it helps the technician narrow down exponential possibilities as to what is causing the problem in a specific area and helps speed up the process of determining the root cause.

How is an Engine Diagnostic Test Performed at Rydell?

An engine diagnostic test can mean many different things depending on where you take your vehicle. The first step we take for an engine diagnostic test is to connect your vehicle to a diagnostic scanner which will then provide the technician with a code. This step will typically only take a few minutes. The technician will then translate these codes to help them narrow down the part of the engine that needs further inspection. It is important to remember these codes will only provide the technician with a starting point of what may be causing your vehicle to not run at its full potential, not the exact issue. These codes can be very broad in meaning and only give you an idea of what may be happening. Depending on where you take your vehicle this may be the extent of their diagnostic abilities.

At Rydell of Grand Forks we provide a comprehensive engine diagnostic test. Our technicians will first connect your vehicle to the scanning tool. Once they receive the codes, they will know which part of your engine to further inspect. The scanner tool can help save the technician hours trying to figure out where there is an issue. As soon as the technician has an idea of what the problem is, they will then go back to your vehicle and physically inspect the engine to get a full picture of what is going on. After the physical inspection has been completed, they will provide the service advisor with a detailed description of why the vehicle’s check engine light is on, or why the vehicle is not performing correctly. Your Rydell Service Advisor will then reach out to you with a report of what the technician found. You will also receive a video from the technician showing you exactly what was discovered.

Graphic showing digital diagnostics being done on vehicle

Engine Diagnostics at Rydell

Let Rydell Help Diagnose Your Vehicle

If your check engine light has come on or your vehicle does not seem to be running correctly, our certified technicians at Rydell in Grand Forks are here to help you.

Bring your vehicle into Rydell today for an engine diagnosis. Our hassle-free service center will tell you exactly what’s wrong with your vehicle and have you back on the road in no time. Rydell’s certified technicians have the latest technology to repair your vehicle, so you can be sure that you are getting the best care for your car or truck.

Schedule Diagnostics Test Today